Aug 14, 2020
Sally Fallon was one of the people that founded the Weston A Price Foundation in 1999, a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing information about the healing power of animal foods. A dentist from Cleveland, Ohio, named Weston Price, was the inspiration for the WAPF to form.
He authored a book called "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" where he documented various indigenous cultures worldwide that had perfect dentition and skeletal structure. He credited their overall robustness to their natural diets. Raw dairy, bone broths, organ meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole foods were what supported their vital health.
In this interview Sally speaks on the importance of animal foods in the diet. I also ask her questions from a Q&A.
Weston A Price foundation:
Informative blog:
Milk information:
Twenty-Two reasons to not go vegetarian:
My website:
Mitolife products: