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Mitolife Radio

Jul 26, 2019

What is the most important test to have done? Does bloodwork have to be expensive? Who decides the ideal ranges? In this third interview with Morley Robbins he helps me breakdown my Full Monty lab results with easy to understand analogies.

Where we measure iron changed in the 1970s. We used to look in the right spot and now we look in the wrong spot (ferritin). To get a complete picture of iron status we have to look at TIBC, hemoglobin, serum iron, iron saturation, transferritin, and perhaps most importantly, ceruloplasmin. And that isn't even the whole picture as you'll hear in the interview!

We also examine my magnesium levels in my red blood cells, not serum. Even though I've been megadosing magnesium for six years I'm still not on the high side of his reference range. That wasn't too surprising with my understanding of how NPK fertilizer grown produce (all of our food) lowers our magnesium on a daily basis.

To order the Full Monty test click here:

Note: Although there are two they are both the same. I ordered the one on the left.

Click to see my iron panel results:

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