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Mitolife Radio

Mar 22, 2024

Detoxifying the body using clinoptilolite, AKA zeolite, has been a trendy topic for several years, with the nano zeolite products being the most popular.

My perspective is that liposomal supplements are a complete scam, so I was thrilled to interview someone with a similar mindset when it comes to zeolite: smaller is not always better.

Jeff Hoyt of Zeolite Labs breaks down a ton of myths around zeolite products, including: Do we get aluminum toxic from taking zeolite because it is made of aluminum? How is it able to act as a selective or smart binder? Is synthetic zeolite as good as natural zeolite? What is the difference between powder, liquid and nano zeolite products? Why does taking a small dose lead to a less efficient detox? How does his ZeoCharge product differ from the push/catch protocols out there? Do we actually want to get zeolite into our brain? What does zeolite bind to besides heavy metals? and much, much more!

Order ZeoCharge:

Zeolite Labs YouTube:

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Music by George Henner: