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Mitolife Radio

Mar 27, 2020

Human beings are in a situation right now where misinformation and disinformation is rampant. There are people at the top sharing false information about health knowingly, and there are also people sharing false information unknowingly.

Having gone back and forth eating meat for four years and ultimately returning to...

Mar 20, 2020

There is a lot of hysteria going around right now with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2/COVID-19). Those that watch the news, whether mainstream or alternative, become further confused and spun out. 

Dr. Thomas Cowan recently gave a presentation talking about the connection between...

Mar 13, 2020

What effect does fear, worry and uncertainty have on our immune system? What is the relationship between the adrenals, thyroid, liver and nervous system? Did you know there's a third piece of the nervous system besides the sympathetic and parasympathetic states? 

Josh Rubin of EastWestHealing returns for the third time...

Mar 6, 2020

What is strength? How important is movement? What are kinetic chains? What is functional fitness? Why do you laugh uncontrollably when you get a massage? Sumair Bhasin of TrainLifeFit answers all of these questions and more in this episode  of Mitolife Radio. If you enjoy movement activities whether it be sports...